How to choose vape kit that best suits your vaping needs?

Finding the perfect vape products and accessories in London really comes down to three things: nicotine strength, the PG: VG ratio of your eliquid and how you want to vape. In this blog, we will briefly discuss these three factors to help you choose the right vape kit in London that is best for you.
1. Choosing the right nicotine strength

In order to find the right vape kit UK, the strength of nicotine in your eliquid is really important. It is specially important if you are making the switch from smoking to vaping. Due to the way smoke reacts with your body compared to the aerosol vapor from vaping products, the amount you get from a traditional cigarette is higher than what you’d get from vaping.

ü  You should start on a high nicotine level around 18-24 mg if you are a heavy smoker.

ü  Go for a middle of the range of 12 mg if you’re more of a pack a day kind of person.

ü  Try out the 6 mg strength if you light smoker who smoke only 1-2 cigarettes a day.

ü  start out on 3mg and see how you feel if you are a social smoker who smoke once a while.

2. How do you actually use your vape?

There’s two methods when it comes to how you use your vape. It isn’t exactly like smoking and yes you may take a few coughs to get used to it.


MTL or, mouth-to-lung, is mimicking the technique used by smokers.


DTL or rather, direct-to-lung, is usually the method used by more experienced vapers who want a deep lung hit.

3. PG:VG ratio

You’re probably best off with an even PG:VG ratio, like a 50:50 e-liquid, ig you need high nicotine strength while vaping. You can go for a higher VG e-liquid if the sensation of smoking isn’t as important to you.


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